







Investment in the world's poorest nations will aid global recovery, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said at a conference in Istanbul on Monday to agree a 10-year action plan to help least developed nations.


"I have come to this conference with a single simple message -- the LDCs will be the most important wave of the development," Ban told a news conference after the opening session of the U.N.'s once-a-decade conference.


"Let me emphasise again I am not arguing for charity but for investment," Ban said. "Returns can be profound for the LDCs and for the global economy. Success for LDCs is success for all."


Ban drew a bleak (1) picture of progress made so far, with the number of countries on the U.N. list of LDCs almost doubling to 48 since lists were first made in the 1970s.


The list includes 33 African countries, 14 Asian and Haiti -- the only Western Hemisphere country. Their populations total 885 million, and 75 percent of them live on less than $2 a day.


Criteria for the U.N. list include having a per capita national income of less than $905 per year, high child mortaliy, poor access to education, and vulnerability (2) to food and economic insecurity -- in focus after months of revolt in the Arab world.



Turkey's President Abdullah Gul warned that the advent of modern communications meant people everywhere were far more aware of iniquities among nations. "The wide gap between the countries is more visible today to people across the world," Gul said.


"It's also a big ethical and moral mistake, to have such a wide gap, and therefore unsustainable for political and security reasons," said Gul, whose own country provides $2 billion in aid to poor nations through official and non-government channels.


Addressing non-goverment organisations on Sunday, Ban cited some positives since the last conference in Brussels in 2001. He said that in many LDCs more children were attending school, gender equality had improved, more women were earning and their representation in government had risen. "Furthermore democratic elections are now the norm in the LDCs rather than the exception," Ban said.


The wealth gap between the least developed and other countries has widened in recent decades and will go on doing so unless their basic weaknesses are tackled, a report for the United Nations.


"In short, the 'least developed' condition has tended to generate 'less' development," even though most of the countries concerned had registered some economic growth, said the report by a group of nine "eminent persons."


The panel, headed by former Malian President Alpha Oumar Konare and former World Bank President James Wolfensohn, studied the impact of an action program on LDCs launched at a U.N. conference in Brussels in 2001 for the ensuing decade.


Its recommendations are to be considered by a new conference in Istanbul from May 9-13. "We have come to the conclusion that despite some progress on the economic and social front, the gap between the LDCs and the rest of the world, including the low middle income countries, is widening," the 43-page report said.


It blamed this on poor education, health and nutrition, limited infrastructure (3), dependence on fragile agricultural sectors and a limited range of exports. "Unless we address the structural weaknesses that make these countries 'least developed,' we will not reverse their increasing marginalization (4)," which would lead to "a future that we, as a global community, cannot afford," the report said.



It said the average per capita income in the least developed countries had fallen from 18 per cent of the world average 40 years ago to 15 percent by 2008. The gap would widen in future if present trends continued, it said.


The panel said part of the responsibility for improving the situation lay with the LDCs themselves, which should negotiate better prices for their raw materials (5), fight corruption and seek the return of stolen assets.


But it also said foreign aid was a "fundamental ingredient." Donor countries should scale up their aid to the LDCs to 0.15 percent of their gross national income by 2013 and to 0.2 percent by 2015.


Among other goals should be to grant duty- and quota-free access for LDC exports, further reduce the countries' official bilateral and multilateral debt, and double their farm productivity and school enrolment.


The United Nations has already said it wants to halve the number of LDCs by 2021. Since 1970, only three countries have made it out of the group -- Botswana, Cape Verde and the Maldives.

(路透 Reuters)


Key Words

1. bleak

(a.) 慘淡淒涼的

2. vulnerability

(n.) 脆弱性

3. infrastructure

(n.) 基礎建設

4. marginalization

(n.) 邊緣化

5. raw material

(n.) 原物料


,賞螢火蟲享受森林浴,南洋風格的綠島民宿,有歐風和地中海風而現在又多了這家,在九份民宿也能享受得天獨厚山泉水清涼的魅力。 綠島民宿在一片田園中規劃出日式蘭陽小木屋的民宿空間,選擇溪頭住宿,會有種置身山林的感覺。冬天去溪頭住宿

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